Sunday, July 29, 2007


There are almost 200 photos in Flickr tagged with the mis-spelled tag 'Domnica'. Easy to do - in fact, I did it with the very first web page I put up in 97, and suffered for what seemed to be an age every time I searched Google, but it shows the import of spelling. And given that even Firefox now carries a form-field spell checker, it's getting even harder for a typo to slip through the net.

Anyway, that's 200 photos that most people would not see if they were searching for DomInica'. So check your spelling!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Google Earth & KML

It's not easy, but you can create routes that be brought into Google Earth and shared with others. The Boiling Lake hike was an obvious choice to do, here in Dominica. You do this using Keyhole Markup Language files (KML).

Then (!) all you need to do is let people know about it - you can use the Google Earth Community.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The ultimate laptop the new One Laptop Per Child (OLPC); one reviewer said 'why can't my expensive laptop do that?'. The review is excellent. See for more.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I'm a big fan of Flickr. For me it's as much a search engine for photos as it is about photo sharing. So tagging images with good keyword tags is important. But I also like that you can browse for 3 main criteria - relevance, popularity and how recent a photo is. don't forget as well as tags you can add explicitly, the picture title and a description are also used to rank an image. Just like in Google.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It's all about trust

We continually emphasise trust as one of the key components of doing business on the web, and you need to work hard at it. Which is why the whole 'offshore sector' in Dominica makes me a little uneasy. Mainly because the one or two bad apples in the sector get the spotlight - I think of StockGeneration scam of a few years ago, and how it was the only time Dominica's ever been mentioned in Wired magazine.

I'd rather we were seen as a wired island rather then home to numerous dodgy schemes. At a time when we're seeking to encourage lots of e-business start-ups, we owe it to all the potential young e-business entrepreneurs here not to fuck it up for them even before they've started!